Soap nuts can be used to make a natural, homemade all-purpose cleaner for just about everything in your home – from hair to laundry to dishes to floors to toilets. A natural alternative to washing liquid or washing powder, soap nuts don’t contain any chemicals or artificial ingredients.  This makes them gentler on hair, clothes, sensitive skin, and the environment.

Eco Nuts Soap Nuts are gentle on both clothes and skin, making them ideal for those with sensitive skin, eczema, allergies and psoriasis. Because they are so mild, they are perfect for baby clothes and even cloth diapers. All-Natural Eco Nuts Soap Nuts are also great for septic and grey water systems. Unlike commercial detergents that have artificial foaming agents, soap nuts do not produce lots of bubbles or foam. While commercial detergents and soaps have marketed heavily around that visual, foam simply is not an indicator of cleaning power.

All Soap Nuts by Eco Nuts are wild-harvested, meaning they are gathered from wild trees grown without any kind of chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides. Saponin actually tastes bad to insects so no pesticides are needed, and the trees naturally love poor uncultivated soil. They are organically grown by mother earth and certified USDA Organic by Oregon Tilth. Read more about what Organic certification means.


Soap nuts can be used to make a natural, homemade all-purpose cleaner for just about everything in your home – from hair to laundry to dishes to floors to toilets. A natural alternative to washing liquid or washing powder, soap nuts don’t contain any chemicals or artificial ingredients.  This makes them gentler on hair, clothes, sensitive skin, and the environment.

Eco Nuts Soap Nuts are gentle on both clothes and skin, making them ideal for those with sensitive skin, eczema, allergies and psoriasis. Because they are so mild, they are perfect for baby clothes and even cloth diapers. All-Natural Eco Nuts Soap Nuts are also great for septic and grey water systems. Unlike commercial detergents that have artificial foaming agents, soap nuts do not produce lots of bubbles or foam. While commercial detergents and soaps have marketed heavily around that visual, foam simply is not an indicator of cleaning power.

All Soap Nuts by Eco Nuts are wild-harvested, meaning they are gathered from wild trees grown without any kind of chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides. Saponin actually tastes bad to insects so no pesticides are needed, and the trees naturally love poor uncultivated soil. They are organically grown by mother earth and certified USDA Organic by Oregon Tilth. Read more about what Organic certification means.

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